
Friday, March 26, 2021

 Kia Ora bloggers welcome to this post

This week for reading I made a vein diagram  to help  show my learning. My  learning goal is Articulate a variety of strategies to help comprehension and make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions. the plants that I did are the Rata and Poutkaka. They are both native trees to New Zealand.


Mind blowing Maths

Kia Ora bloggers welcome to this blog post

This week I learned how to use to new strateges with multiplication. They are called place value and compensating. My learning goal was use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication  problems with whole numbers. do you know all your times tables of by heart?

Friday, March 19, 2021

Magical Maths

welcome to this post bloggers

This week I revisited how to  do multiplication facts. My  learning goal is: use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication problems with whole numbers.  Do you know you 7  timetables?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Magnificent Maths

Kia Ora 

Hello and welcome back to my blog it's Mia. Today I will be sharing my maths with you. This week I learnt tidy numbers. My Tidy numbers is when you round up to a tidy number like 50. Now I help you understand how to do it. Say you had 49+61 + 1 to 49 to make it 50. Then to 61 - 1 to make it 60 then. Next you add them together to make 120.  My goal was Ordering numbers to 100,0000. Use a broad range of mental strategies to solve problems rounding and compensating. Here is my maths create. Do you like tidy numbers?

Friday, March 5, 2021

Brilliant Blogger

 Ki ora and welcome back to my blog. 

It's Mia from St Francis of Assisi school. Today, I am going to talk to you about how to write a quality blog post and comment. I know I’ve told you about it before but it’s time for a refresh. 

This week my learning goals are: for reading is: think about the information and ideas in a text. identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important. L3 identifies at least one important idea and justify why it is important. use knowledge from text to combine new idea (own and others) to come up with new thinking. For writing my learning goal is: present work in a range of forms & create ideas that link with the topic and each other and include detail. L3 presents work in a range of forms, writing content relevant to the task. & use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose.  

For a good blog post you should include a catchy title, introduction, your learning goal, 2-3 good sentences, ending and make sure to include a question to make a conversation. 

For a good blog comment you should include an introduction, something positive, something thoughtful, something helpful and a question to keep the conversation going. 

Thank you for reading what part did you enjoy the best. Ka kite ano.